Using http client like curl, axios, throw an error

when i use curl
curl -v -x http://username:password@host:port “
it throw error like this :

  • Trying (someIP port) …
  • connect to (someIP port) failed: No route to host
  • Failed to connect to (host port) after 208 ms: No route to host
  • Closing connection 0
    curl: (7) Failed to connect to (host port) after 208 ms: No route to host

but i can i use the proxy with linux mint through its network settings (tested and work).

from Cannot download images when using a proxy it says it is because of the default username that contain hypen-minus, does it related to that. Changing it require upgrade. Any alternative solve beside upgrade ?

Hello There,

I hope you are doing well, Thank you for elaborating further on this issue.
I have tested the same curl command on our proxies that have special characters in the username and password and the connection passed with no issues.

It seems from the error that you are getting that the proxy itself is failing to connect rather than an issue with the proxy authentication, Can you please confirm that the proxy itself is working by testing it using our proxy tool and see if it passes the test?

Chrome Extension
Firefox Extension

Seems it is fail on extension (chrome windows)

yesterday i can use it (in linux mint if i not provide creds, browser will ask for it), and now it is not working. VPN Tunnel, communication service, htttp ipv4 have green indicator in apps. Even i re register it it is not work.

Hello There,
Thank you for your response!
To further investigate the issue with the proxy not connecting, I kindly ask that you open a ticket through our live chat. This will allow our success team members to assist you promptly and provide real-time support. You can access the live chat by navigating to the bottom right corner of your dashboard.

Sure, thx for the response, as soon as i have time i’ll create a ticket