James aka delightfullynot

Hello, I’m James

I work in a marketing company and they want me to do some social media research using proxies and I do not know where to start, so I thought I’d come on here to get an understanding.

I’m here to get help with how to do any of this. I have little to no tech knowledge but my manager told me I need to up my understanding.

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Hey James! Glad to have you with us! Dive into the topics that interest you, and don’t be afraid to ask questions or share your thoughts. We’re all about community here.

Hello James, I also use proxidize for social media research at my company. I can understand how it might all seem daunting at first but believe me, it is easier than it may seem. If you have any specific questions, please feel free to send me a private message and I will assist you in any way I can.

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